introduction of mind

Summary of exploration operations
Exploration operations are consisting of previous and recent exploration which are explained as follows.

Previous explorations

The presence of oxide minerals such as malachite and Chrysocolla is obvious in several locations of the exploration area of Chahfiroozeh copper mine. The most accumulation of these minerals is located in the southern part.

Research Institute for Earth Science and Mineral Exploration of Yugoslavia has been prepared the geological map of Anar (1:250000) and Shahre-Babak (1:100000) at 1970 decade. Also Yugoslavia institute has prepared the exploration for ore deposits in Kerman Region report on 1973.Silito provide a brief report of the mineralization of region and also suggest the geology, geochemistry and exploration drilling studies after visiting the region.

Recent explorations
NICICO has been done below explorations studies :

Table ‎3‑1 -Exploration drilling

Row Description Start date Finish date Bore Hole Number Drilling Length
1 Phase 1 2006/07/03 2007/05/27 26 9732.3
2 Phase 2 2008/1/03 2008/10/12 16 8106.4
3 Phase 3 2011/07/06 2013/07/08 80 51164.05
4 Total 122 69002.75

As presented in Table ‎3‑1, the exploration drilling is about 69003 meters which has been done in three phases between 2006 to 2014.

1.      Primary geochemistry explorations in 2005.

In this step sampling has been done on insitu rock and results has provided after experimental analysis.

2.      Geophysical explorations in 2006

These studies have been done for determination of sulphure minerals zone which IP/RS and magnemetery methods were used.

3.      Alteration and geology studies in 1:1000 scale in 2007In this step geology map has been prepared for 2 square kilometers area. Also the topographic map has been prepared for 1500 hectares area in 1:1000 scale.
Exploration drilling between 2006 to 2013 years.
Investigation of molibden and copper distribution in Chahfiroozeh copper deposit and estimation of copper grade and amount of reserve in 2014.
The exploration drilling is about 69000 meters which has been done in three phases.